
Showing posts from May, 2019

Choosing Granite Countertops in a Range of Colors From Precision Stone Design

The broad range of colors for granite countertops from a contractor such as Precision Stone Design can be confusing to people at first. They're familiar with granite from finding the pretty stones in various locations, since this is one of the most common rocks on Earth's surface. They also recognize it from the prevalent use of granite for monuments, and maybe even from a geology class. Most Common Natural Granite Colors The granite they know about usually is most salmon in color, with some crystal quartz and perhaps a small amount of black stone. They've also seen some that is mainly black and white. How can granite countertops come in so many colors? Most natural granite contains a large amount of potassium feldspar, which accounts for the prevalence of the salmon-colored stone. Less frequent are amphibole and biotite, which are the reasons for the black areas. Amphibole also can bring some green to the stone. One of the more popular blend of colors for grani...